From oats to O’s
A video recently produced by the Cheerios team – “From Oats to O’s: The Making of Cheerios” – explains the steps involved.
It begins on the farm of Edgar Scheurer, of Manitoba.
“I like growing oats because it’s a healthy product to grow,” says Scheurer. “And I believe in it.”
His oats end up in mills, like the one in Minneapolis, Minnesota, featured in the video, which grind them into whole grain oat flour.
“We pour our heart and soul into this product for all the families that will be sitting down at the breakfast table eating Cheerios,” says Brian Ramberg, team leader at our Minneapolis mill.
The next step involves shipping the flour to our cereal plants that make Cheerios.
From Oats to O’s takes you inside our facility in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where you see the Cheerios being made.